Monday, February 17th, 2020

Romanian vegetables are not contaminated with pesticides – interim Minister of Agriculture, Adrian Oros

Adrian Oros, the interim Minister of Agriculture, guaranteed that Romanian vegetables are not contaminated with pesticides. In Cluj-Napoca, he explained that information recently made public by the press, about tomatoes that supposedly contained an illegal level of pesticides, are fake and that examinations made in 2019 showed that one single lot of tomatoes presented higher levels of pesticides.
Adrian Oros: The central lab has made 419 determinations, of which 192, representing 46%, contain a level of pesticides that is between legal limits. That means that there is no risk for consumers. Only one of these probes exceeded the permitted limits. Those tomatoes were drawn back.

The Romanian man from the cruise vessel in Japan, infected with coronavirus, is in a good and stable state

The Romanian man from the cruise vessel in Japan, infected with coronavirus, is in a good and stable state, according to the interim Minister of Health, Victor Costache. The 16 Romanians who are on the boat and don’t have the disease are feeling well – the minister added. In Romania, stocks of disinfectants and protection equipment have been renewed and those who come back in the country from the coronavirus affected area go into quarantine, he said, on a television post. Two people who came from the risk area, but who are not infected, remain in the capital, in quarantine, and 340 cases are isolated at home. As far as the capacity of diagnosis of the coronavirus is concerned, the minister mentioned that in the country there are more than 1500 tests that show a result in les than four hours.

Local authorities must accelerate the rhythm of implementing measures included in the plans for air quality

The Minister for Environment, Costel Alexe, said on Sunday, in Iaşi, that local authorities must accelerate the rhythm of implementing measures included in the plans for air quality. He drew attention that pollution and environment problems that large cities are confronted with have a significant impact on public health and, also, on the relations between Romania and the European Union.
Costel Alexe: I think that local public authorities should intensify their speed of implementing measures they have assumed in local council decisions because, although we have this infringement procedure on an European level on Bucharest, with problems in Iaşi and Braşov, I think that, beyond solving our problem with the European Union, as a country, we must insure the Romanian citizens with healthy life conditions and, of course, breathable air.

Alexandra Ioniță, RADOR