May 26, 2021

Basic food products may become more expensive due to changing weather

Basic food products may become more expensive if the weather keeps changing, agriculturists say. This year, fruits and vegetables were harmed by cold, but agriculturists in Teleorman don’t expect rich crops in autumn either.
Changing weather, with extreme meteorologic phenomena, ranging from to torrential rain and periods of very low temperatures doesn’t allow crops to grow normally.
Attila Szabo, farmer in Teleorman: Clearly there is a problem, there was the cold weather that didn’t let plants develop. I haven’t seen such a cold year as this one and this affects plants. Last year there wasn’t one crop unaffected by draught, not wheat, not sun-flower, not corn. If for some reason, us agriculturists can’t produce enough cereal, naturally, bread, oil, corn-flower will be more expensive
He estimates that cereal production this year will be affected in a proportion of 20-25%.

Authorities prepare, for May 31st and June 1st, a marathon of immunization for teenagers

Authorities have focused on vaccinating teenagers against COVID-19 and prepare, for May 31st and June 1st a marathon of immunization, prioritizing minors aged 16 or more. They will be able to be vaccined with the Pfizer serum, which needs a second dose after 21 days but those who are not 18 yet must be accompanied by a parent or egal representative. The coordinator of the national immunization campaign, Dr Valeriu Gheorghiţă, announced that in all vaccination centers in the country teenagers will be able to be vaccinated during the whole working programme.

The number of people illegally crossing the Romanian border from Serbia is increasing

The number of people illegally crossing the Romanian border with Serbia is increasing. Yesterday, such a group was found by border police officers in the Iron Gate II area.
The 16 Iranian and Iraqi citizens have adventured in crossing the Danube in an inflatable boat, despite the high danger. Hoping not to be seen, they took advantage of the bad weather, pouring rain with strong wind and high waves on the river, even though they risked a tragedy. The foreign citizens have been seen on the thermal imaging cameras by the border police officers, who intervened to bring them on shore. Six adults and ten minors, the youngest only six months old, were on the boat and they will be introduced in a quarantine center, given the COVID-19 crisis. Since the beginning of the year, 15 groups of migrants – 271 people – have illegally entered Romania, through Mehedinţi.

Alexandra Ioniţă