Alba Iulia Orthodox Archdiocese continues „With love, for Ukrainians” campaign

Seven humanitarian transports in support of the refugees, with non-perishable food and hygienic-sanitary materials worth 280,000 lei, were organized between March 3-10 in the parish communities of Alba and Mureş. These are part of the ‘With love, for Ukrainians’ campaign launched by the Alba Iulia Orthodox Archdiocese.

From the sums collected, the Alba Iulia Orthodox Philanthropy Association directed 100,000 lei on Thursday to the Philanthropy Federation, for organizing a humanitarian transport in the Republic of Moldova to help the refugees from Odessa.

Five parish communities from Luduş archdiocese, Mureş county, collected food and goods worth 11,500 lei. Hygiene products for children and medicines worth 5,000 lei were collected at the Reghin archdiocese and a hot meal is offered for 45 refugees. In the parish of Sângeorgiu de Pădure, Mureş, products worth 8,000 lei were collected, which were later transported to Siret Customs.

Also, the Archdiocese of Sighişoara, together with other collaborators, collected non-perishable food, clothing and hygiene products, which were packed by volunteers and transported by two minibuses to the headquarters of the Romanian Red Cross – Mureş Branch.

(RADIO MUREŞ)/aboboc