The Health Ministry published a series of recommendations to avoid flu transmission
The Health Ministry published a series of recommendations to avoid flu transmission. Romania has declared an epidemiological alert, after, for a third week in a row, the historical respiratory infection rates have been passed and, so far, the maximum intensity hasn’t been reached. Authorities estimated it to be reached at the middle of next month, minister Alexandru Rafila explained.
Therefore, The Health Minister recommends the prevention measures already known from the pandemic. Authorities stressed that there are no obligations, but they appeal for a responsible behavior, to prevent infections. As, on Monday, children will go back to school, after the winter holiday, classes will restart as usual, but special attention will be necessary, as Ligia Deca, minister of education said.
Ligia Deca: We consider that, after two pandemic years, it is very important to maintain the rhythm and have a high percentage of class attendance. There is a series of recommended measures, first the daily triage, both at home and when children enter schools or kindergartens, when there are specific symptoms. We recommend that teachers and, why not, pupils, wear masks. It is very important to respect hygiene measures, such as a periodic disinfection of hands and surfaces or a periodical ventilation of rooms.
Meteorologists announce temperatures above the usual average, both in January and in the first week of February
Meteorologists announce temperatures above the usual average, both in January and in the first week of February, according to an estimate published today. In the first week of the period, temperatures will be higher than those specific for this time of year, all over the country. Rainfall will only be above average locally, in the East, West and South-West. Higher than normal temperatures will also be registered in the last two weeks of January, in all regions.
Tourism in Romania – 20% higher in the first 11 months of 2022, according to INS
10,5 million people have taken accommodation in touristic units in Romania in the first 11 months of 2022, a rise of 20% compared to the same period of the previous year, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS). 86% of these were Romanian tourists and the rest of them were foreigners. The medium stay length was of 2.2 days. Cities with the highest numbers of tourists were Bucharest – 1,34 million people, Constanţa – 1,23 million and Braşov – almost 1.1 million. Most tourists came from Germany, Israel and Italy. According to the source, in the same period of time, 16 million of Romanians went abroad, which represents a rise of almost 50% compared to the same eriod in 2021./aionita