Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Romanian firefighters were once more demanded to help fire-hit Greece

Requests from abroad for Romanian firefighters are proof that the civil defense system is working, Romanian Interior Minister Cătălin Predoiu said on Tuesday. The statements were made on the occasion of the departure to Greece of a contingent of firefighters rescuers from our country. They have proven their ability to save lives and protect communities at home and abroad, said Cătălin Predoiu. These missions are carried out within the framework of the European Civil Protection Mechanism, with European funding, and Romanian firefighters are being demanded for the 4th consecutive time to help Greece. This first contingent of 40 firefighters started their journey to Greece, accompanied by 8 technical means. They will be replaced after a period of a few weeks by another two series of firefighters. They will be deployed in the Athens area to help the Greek authorities deal with fire situations there.

A new edition of the „Woman Entrepreneur” program starts in Romania

Romania’s Ministry of Economy announced on Tuesday the start of a new edition of the „Women Entrepreneur” program, aimed at financing the activity of companies in which a woman owns at least 50% of the shares. Applications are open for a period of 45 days, but the deadline may be extended depending on the availability of funds. For each approved application, funding can reach up to 200,000 lei, with a total budget calculated for one thousand beneficiaries. The eligibility criteria cover the length of time the company has been a shareholder, the amount of the contribution to the investment, or the company’s profitability in the last two years, said Irina Diaconescu, head of service at the Constanta Regional Agency for SMEs. Areas that are not eligible for the program are forestry and agriculture, as well as the production of ammunition and weapons.

July 30 – World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

The UN has established July 30, 2013 as the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, as a call to action to counter human trafficking and detect those involved, protect vulnerable groups of children, women and men from exploitation, and support and reintegrate victims. On this occasion, the Romanian National Agency Against Trafficking in Human Beings is launching the „Healthy Choices for a Safe Future” campaign to prevent trafficking in human beings. „Romania is one of the main source countries for identified victims of human trafficking in Europe and then all the more we want to see this decrease. And this campaign aims, through the example of athletes, successful athletes, athletes with an impressive track record, to encourage young people to seek healthy choices, to find their future through hard work, confidence and respect for social values. In this way, they can stop falling into the trap of traffickers who promise them, I know, great things, but they are mere lies, mere speculation, and they always lead to tragedies, because human trafficking no longer makes people into beings with rights, but puts them in the category of those without rights, in the category of those who can be manipulated and exploited”, said Deputy Police Commissioner Mihaela Draguș, spokesperson of the National Agency Against Trafficking in Human Beings.