Ukraine still holds control over the country’s key areas the Russian forces are trying to conquer, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said after a couple of weeks of Russia’s sustained onslaught. Russian rockets have hit an area close to the airport of the city of Lviv in the west of the country, local authorities have today announced, quoted by Reuters and AFP, adding the airport has not been attacked. No victims have been reported but representatives of the US Department of Defence have cautioned against Russia’s stepped up attacks against civil targets in Ukraine. Moscow will destroy the convoys carrying weapons sent into Ukraine by its western partners, Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov said. In another development, NATO Deputy Secretary General Romanian Mircea Geoana said that Russia has 75% of its total armed forces blocked in Ukraine and from this point of view there is no risk concerning the security of allied countries. Geoana added that in spite of an incipient diplomatic dialogue, Russia is likely to carry on its onslaught on three strategic directions around Kiev; the conflict will go on and so will the number of victims.