Tuesday, May 21, 2024

President Klaus Iohannis has reaffirmed Romania’s support for Ukraine in a call with President Zelensky

The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has announced on Tuesday on the social media network X that in the morning he had an in-depth telephone conversation with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, focusing on Romania’s continued support for Ukraine, priorities for the upcoming NATO summit and strengthening security in the Black Sea region. The Romanian head of state also stated that he conveyed the country’s commitment to Ukraine’s peace formula.

Romanians will be able to enter Turkey without a passport for tourism or transit purposes

Romanians will be able to go to Turkey without a passport, only with an identity card, according to a decree signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and published on Tuesday in Ankara’s Official Monitor. The document stipulates that entry to Turkey only with the identity card could be done for transit or tourism purposes, and the stay in this country cannot exceed 90 days. The decree was issued in the context of Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu’s official visit to Ankara. He had tête-à-tête discussions with the Turkish president. A joint meeting of the two governments will follow. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu wants to increase bilateral trade, through future projects in energy, transport, agriculture, agri-food industry and defense.

The International Shakespeare Theater Festival is unfolding in the Romanian city of Craiova

The International Shakespeare Theater Festival in Craiova has 19 events on its agenda on Tuesday: conferences, publishing releases, theater performances, including outdoor events, in the city’s main squares. The main event of the day is the presence of the band formed by the famous director Peter Brook, who is invited to the festival with „The Tempest Project” after Shakespeare. The show is scheduled from 9:30 p.m., in the Great Hall of the Craiova National Theater. At the Colibri Theater in Craiova, the „Eugen Ionescu” National Theater from Chisinau will perform „King Lear”, in the stage vision of the director Mihai Tarna. The evening will end in the Shakespeare Village, with the concert of the band „Vita de vie”.

Mădălina Brotăcel, RADOR RADIO ROMÂNIA