Snakes in Clisura Dunării
Be aware of snakes and vipers if you go to Clisura Dunării. This is what authorities in the area recommend at this time, when many tourists visit the region. People must be careful, especially as the hospital in Drobeta Turnu-Severin is confronted with a shortage of anti-viper serum. Specialists recommend that tourists avoid contact with snakes and don’t kill them.
The rise in temperature caused a high migration of snakes between the land and the Danube. Reptiles have their role in the ecosystem and we have to be attentive and avoid them.
The horned viper is one of the most dangerous reptile you can encounter in the area.
Another dangerous region is Domogled Mountain, in Băile Herculane, where the risk to be bitten by a horned viper is high.
Romania – on the 16th place in Europe for new car registration
The number of new car registrations in European Union has been 2% lower in the first five months of 2019, compared to the same period in 2018. However, Romania has seen the highest rise among the member states, of over 20%, according to the Automobile Manufacturers Association. When it comes to new car registration, we are, however, on the 16th place, with almost 58 000 new cars. The market has fallen in Spain Italy and Great Britain, has reached a standstill in France and slightly grew in Germany.
Seven gay couples prosecute the Romanian state at the European Court of Human Rights
ACCEPT association and 14 people, who form 7 couples of gay people ask for legal acceptance of their families in Romania, according to a declaration by ACCPET Association.
The association mentioned that the 14 people complain about their right to a private and family right being violated in Romania.
„These people couldn’t access any legal way of acknowledgement and protection for their families, with serious consequences in their daily lives. Partners are not recognized in hospitals or other medical units as carers – therefore they can’t stay together in hospitals and cannot decide for each other in case of emergency, they cannot take the dead body from the morgue in case of death or do the legal procedures for obtaining a death certificate or get financial help for the funeral. The partners cannot legally inherit each other’s belongings and cannot benefit as a co-insured party” declares the association.
According to the declaration, sociologists estimate that, today, approximately 10% of the population lives as a couple, without having legal acknowledgement. Romanians reject gay people 25% less than in 1993 and legal acknowledgement of gay families is gaining support.
Alexandra Ioniță, RADOR